Since 2006...

Nurture & Enrich Your: Mind : Health : Beauty : Spirituality : Life! . ..

Its a Chain.. and a flowing river... A healthy and aware Mind contributes to a Healthy and Beautiful Body which together nurture and grow Spirituality... and thus a successful Life!


Shared here are some useful facts and tips hoping to contribute towards bettering our Living!

Ten ways to create passion in your life, living and bedroom.....

  1. For your bed choose soft fabrics along with textures that are pleasing to eye. 
  2. A water fountain in your living or bedroom, if you have a big one, can be also wonderful
  3. Color on walls should be neutral
  4. You can use bed sheets in colors that promote passion like red, brown, chocolate brown, purple, silver.
  5. Recessed lightning with a beautiful and dimmer chandelier.To make your bedroom calm, a dimmer is a lighting must-have. Use it for everything from overhead ceiling lights to pendant and bedside table lamps.
  6. Do not clutter. it is a killer in the bedroom. one should not litter things, be it in bedroom or living room. keep it out , hide it somewhere, be it a store or dumping room or where ever. 
  7. use aromatic candles or fragrances in the room. they are very soothing.a vry light , soft music can also give u happiness and peace.
  8. do not let your house look like a kindergarten. let your child's items , be it her toys, boys, carts, tricycle, set them in her room. 
  9. do not let your bedroom look like a photo gallery of you and your extended family.
  10. Always remember, "A Sexy Bedroom is for the Couple and not for the Children".

'Be passionate, stay young'

'Be passionate, stay young'
Is there any science to live agelessly or is it an art? Author and columnist Helena Frith Powell tells Nona Walia what she learnt from French women who are notoriously secretive about their beauty secrets.

Who is she?
Helena Frith Powell had begun her career as a model and apparel designer, but she eventually became a very successful journalist and one of the most sought-after columnists in the world. Powell has written nine books, celebrating women, their desires, aspirations, fears and insecurities. 
There's a burgeoning trend towards living agelessly. Looking good and aging well are an essential part of daily life. Celebrated author and columnist Helena Frith Powell, who wrote All You Need To Be Impossibly French... says in the book, French women are notoriously secretive when it comes to style and beauty. But she did manage to get some of their bestkept secrets of how to age well. "Growing old need not be a graceless process. Women do not need to be graceless just because they are old. In fact, it is important to retain grace as we age." Here's what she has to say on beauty, age and looking fabulous... 
What is the French notion of beauty and aging? 
French women don't have complicated beauty habits. For them, everything is about small tweaks... such as making sure their nails are immaculate, their hair is snipped from time to time, wearing sexy clothes etc. 
They are not keen on going to the gym. They prefer to smoke and drink coffee, go for walks, learn ballet, play with their children and make love. Ines de la Fressange, a French supermodel and former Chanel muse once told me that it's amazing how much exercise you get while shopping for clothes! 
How do they stay so positive while others buckle? 
Their positive attitude towards aging comes from the fact that they don't think age equates to ugliness. I once asked a 65-year-old lady at a smart boutique if she was particular about buying matching underwear. She said, "I want to look sexy". 
What's the most fundamental difference between how the French see aging vs how the rest of the world sees it? 
Most women tend to give up when they have children. "I'm over the hill," they complain. Women do not need to be graceless just because they are old. In fact, it is more and more important to retain grace as we age - that is the French attitude. 
Do not dress like a teenager because you want to look young. There are ways of dressing to look sexy when you are older, like relying on accessories such as a Hermes scarf or a well-cut suit, but showing flesh is not the answer  Short skirts are not really an option, opt instead for a pair of flowing, well-fitted silk trousers. The good thing about being older is you can afford to dress well. 
Is beauty an act of seduction? 
A French woman checks herself into a spa at least once a year. It's a ritual for them. The women swear by cellulite creams and anything else that keeps them trim, but doesn't involve exercise! The most beautiful make-up on a woman is passion, don't ever overdo make-up. Seduction is all about being naturally sexy. Women should believe a lot in their own natural beauty and learn how to make the most of it early in life. 
How do these women stay slim? 
By not eating too much bread or drinking too much alcohol. Many French women don't even eat croissants! 
How can we train the mind to be young? 
It is essential that we keep seeking knowledge. Learning a foreign language, for example, can halt the onset of Alzheimer's by about seven years! Take up the piano, play Sudoko or solve crosswords... do anything to keep your neural pathways firing. It keeps you young. 
Helena's tips on aging with grace 

Wear sunscreen every single day, irrespective of the weather. The sun's rays have the single-most damaging effect on people's skin. Don't smoke. After the sun, smoking is the most harmful factor for the skin. Exercise. Keep your joints flexible and stay fit so that you don't walk like an old person. Yoga is excellent for anti-aging.

One more of me. I wish you all a fantastic day!

Eat well. Use your common sense. Living off junk food is not going to help your skin retain a healthy glow. Use creams and serums with active products such as green tea and other ingredients that can actually make an impact on your skin. Stay well-groomed. And do not dress like you are in your 20s.


Easy Weightloss With Organic Living


  Did you know that there’s methods to actually lose a few pounds, without even going to the gym? Lots of people are not keen on exercising. In case you do not have the time or are restricted from working out, you can still lose weight.
              Organic foods are very healthy, and can help you lose some additional weight. Replace your potato chips and ice creams with some fruits or vegetables. Eating healthy is a key element in losing weight. Limiting your intake of food can also help. Eat smaller portions, but eat more often in the work of the day.
               Colon cleansing is rising in popularity these days. The average person has 3-7 meals undigested in their method. This can make a person appear larger and heavier. However having this procedure done, does not make you lose weight.Colon cleansing will make you feel much healthier and even appear slimmer. By doing this, you are on the road to a happier and healthier lifestyle.
                 Another way to lose weight is by taking dietary supplements. By taking the recommended dose, you lose those annoying food cravings. It is true that dietary supplements are an simple way to knock off a few pounds. However, it may be not the alter that you need to get in to.

             Taking a look at all these options of losing weight, eating the right foods appear to be the best. Changing your diet (long term) seems the smartest way. Who desires to take pills on a every day basis? Eating healthy is something that you can slowly introduce in to your lifestyle.

There you have it! You can lose weight without working out. Go and do it now.
Monsoon special: Tips for Healthy eating
After the long blazing spell of summers, one fervently waits for the rains to descend upon the weary dry earth. Monsoon showers come as great relief and we all become overwhelmed by this beautiful gesture of nature. But in this heavenly weather we often forget about hygiene and later this carelessness spells doom for our health. 
cup of cappuccino over rays
Monsoon diseases are mostly waterborne hence it is of utmost importance to consume boiled and purified water during these days.
Monsoons bring with them health irritants like allergies, infections and indigestion. According to dieticians, humidity levels are high during the monsoon because of which the capability of the body to digest is at its lowest. In such a case, it is important to avoid heavy and oily food as the digestion becomes very weak and it might lead to an upset stomach. Street food should be strictly avoided, so well it’s time to resist all the advances from that nearby chaat stall and control your cravings.
Foods such as barley, brown rice and oats are the stomach`s best friend during the monsoon season. Add a dash of garlic to soups, stir fries and curries which will help build the body`s immunity.
Avoid fresh fruits, which have been pre-cut or peeled and kept in the open.Go for mangoes, apples, pomegranates and pears and avoid watermelons and muskmelons. Enjoy mangoes this season but don’t gorge on them completely as too much of it can lead to pimples and boils.
The intake of dairy products should be considerably reduced as they have maximum susceptibility to contamination by germs. So, instead of milk switch to its alternative yogurt. 

Eat Mangoes to Keep Your Skin Pimple-free

We all know that mangoes are called the king of all fruits. But do we really know why? Apart from the fact that it is one of the most delectable treats, this fruit is also loaded with vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants, all of which are good for the skin, say skin care experts.

Consuming mango regularly makes the complexion fair and the skin soft and shining

Mangoes are high in fibre but low in calories and sodium. They are also rich in vitamin A and have good amounts of vitamins B and C as well as Potassium, Calcium and Iron.

 Mango also has iron, so, pregnant women and people with anaemia are advised to eat this fruit. 

yummy!!!!!! yum!!yum!!

monsoon food
Corn is one of the healthiest foods of the monsoon season.
There ar many health benefits of eating corn :-
Improves Memory
Good for Cardiovascular Health
Anaemia Prevention
For Diabetics :- fiber content of it helps to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics.
Treats Digestive Problems :- As corns are good source of fiber, they help to alleviate digestive problems like haemorrhoids and constipation. As well, they help to decrease the risk of colon cancer.
Improves Kidney Function ;- Consumption of boiled corn kernels with honey or sugar helps to improve the kidney function well
Good for Production of Energy
Healthy snacks that you can enjoy eating
Roti Quesadillas are Mexican tortillas, stuffed with a chilli and cheese filling and then fried over high heat until the cheese melts and glues the two sides together. It is also easy to make them with normal rotis. Here is a simple and healthy recipe. Quesadillas or tortillas stuffed with cheese, folded and then grilled are a simple dish often served with beans or a little salad at Mexican restaurants. They make a great nutritious meal. So, get creative and play with a combination of vegetables, cooked meats and a good quality melting cheese to hold them together.

Time 20 minutes

Serve 2-4 



  • 8 tortillas
  • 2 smoked chicken breasts, sliced
  • 150g Peppadew sweet peppers, drained and roughly chopped
  • 1 onion, finely sliced
  • 1/3 cup spinach leaves
  • 200g Gruyère or comté cheese, grated


Spread 4 tortillas on a clean surface. Sprinkle evenly with all the ingredients and then cover with the remaining 4 tortillas. Heat a non-stick frying pan and cook each quesadilla for 3-4 minutes until the cheese begins to melt and stick together and the tortilla browns and turns nice and crispy. Then carefully flip it over and brown the other side. Cut each one into 4 quarter wedges and serve piping hot.

Recipe Courtesy: Godrej Nature's Basket food consultant, Rushina Munshaw Ghildiyal 

Healthy Snacks: Crispy Smoked Chicken and Peppered Quesadillas

Things Every Woman Should Have In Her Purse

Guys talk a lot of mess about women who carry big bags. They refer to them as luggage but always end up needing something we have. “Can you hold my 2 liter bottle of water for me?” “Do you have lotion in there?” Besides the usual ipod, cell phone, wallet, lip gloss and keys, here are a few items you’ll find useful to carry around.
Oh So Pretty





 4.A compact mirror

5. Breath Mints

Breath_mint : the mint leaves and the chewing gum

 6. Mace/Pepper Spray     

7.Pen & Notepad

8.Antibacterial Hand Gel/Lotion/Tissues

9. Aspirin

10.Deodorant Wipes/Body Spray


Tip for healthy teeth
  1. A mixture of black pepper and turmeric can be used to massage gums.
  2. A mixture of table salt and mustard oil can help strengthen gums and prevent loose teeth.
  3. Rinse your mouth with the mixture of amla extract and clean water.

Eating Right

Calorie count of popular dishes and how to burn them


Aloo Parantha (290 calories)

Jog for 30 minutes at the speed of 5 miles per hour.

Boiled Egg (85 calories)

Bread and Jam (85 calories)

jog for 10 minutes

Egg Omlette (130 calories) and Onion Pohe (170 calories)

Walking for 30 minutes.

Bread Butter (91 calories) 

Jog for 12 minutes.


Banana Milkshake (310 calories)

Dance for 45 minutes.

Tea and Coffee (98 calories)

Dance for 15 minutes.

Main Course

One plate Chicken Biryani (470 calories) , Chole Bhature (450 calories) , One medium bowl Palak Paneer with Tandoori Roti (420 calories) .

Opt for a sport like squash for 30 minutes.

Cheese Pizza (667 callories)

PLay Squash for 45 minutes.

One bowl Chicken Noodles , One bowl of Prawn Pulao  (300 calories)

Grilled Chicken (378 calories)

Play tennis for 45 minutes.


Pani puri / Gol Gappe (475calories)

One Veg Burger (438Calories)

Climb the staircase for 45 minutes, or swim for one hour. 

Pav Bhaji (600 calories)

climb the staircase for one hour.

Banana Wafers (210 calories)

Swim for 30 minutes.

Massala Dosa (283 calories)

 Swim for 45 minutes. 

Idli (66 calories)

Climb the staircase for 10 minutes.


Falooda (300 calories)

Cycle for one hour at a speed of 8 kms. per hour.

Custard (160 calories)

Cycle for 30 minutes.

Chocolate Ice cream - 1 scoop 

cycle for 45 minutes

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